Dear SBCUSD Families,
After careful thought and consideration, we have made the decision to ensure that SBCUSD schools will be open on Monday, September 9, as many of our families depend on our schools to be safe learning environments. We also provide before and after-school child care, meals and other support services. Please be assured that school funding was not a factor in this decision as it is not impacted during emergencies such as this. Only one school, Bonnie Oehl Elementary, will be closed as this school is within the evacuation zone.
Tomorrow is a minimum day for our elementary students and a late start for secondary students. We will maintain protocols for inclement weather due to the heat and outdoor air quality, therefore, students will remain indoors and will be served meals as regularly scheduled. All of our classrooms are equipped with hospital grade HEPA air filtration systems, and our AC units have one of the highest MERV-rated filters available. Together, these systems ensure that students and staff can access clean air.
Our Expanded Learning program will remain in session for families who need before and after school care. Outside sporting activities such as practice and competitions are being canceled as well.
The safety of your children is our priority and we understand that families who are impacted will need to make decisions that are in their family’s best interest. If your child needs to stay home, we ask that you report your child’s absence to the school office.
We will continue to monitor this dynamic situation and provide information if new developments occur. Our thoughts remain with our first responders and all of the families and community members who are severely impacted by the fire. We continue to hope for containment and an immediate end to this crisis.
Mauricio V. Arellano